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Other actions in the region

Below you will find a list of actions in the Eastern Partner countries that have interlinkages with the current EU4Environment Water and Data programme. 

More EU actions in the region: 



Summary Goals/Targets/objectives


Donor short

EU4Sevan Project


To protect the largest freshwater lake in the Caucasus regional and the most significant source of freshwater, irrigation water, aquaculture, as well as hydropower sources in Armenia


EU, Co-financing from BMZ

National Adaptation Plan to Advance Medium and Long-Term Adaptation Planning in Armenia


To enable the Government of Armenia to integrate climate change related risks, coping strategies and opportunities into ongoing development planning and budgeting processes


Green climate fund

IWRM/Akhuryan River Construction of Kaps Reservoir and Gravity Irrigation System





Construction of Vedi Reservoir and Irrigation Systems


To enable to ease water scarcity in Ararat Valley, as well as to pass from manual irrigation to gravity irrigation system which will in its turn result in electricity savings


French Development Agency

Planning for evidence-based adapation action and loss and damage reduction


To strengthen Armenia's climate resilience and help to scale up its adaptation measures, with a focus on vulnerable groups of the population, including farmers and women led enterprises



Improved Water Management for Sustainable Economic Growth


To transform Armenia’s approach to water management to improve the equity of access to water while maintaining environmental flow and water quality for the protection of freshwater resources



Urbanisation and Climate Change Adaptation in the Caspian Sea Region (Azerbaijan, Iran)


The project aims at tackling the impacts of the main identified hazards: (i) sea level fluctuation and potential decrease; (ii)

increased floods; (iii) more intense droughts; and (iv) desertification in the Caspian Sea coasts, particularly in Azerbaijan and Iran.



Capacity Building for Azerbaijan to Meet the Requirements of Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement


Strengthen institutional and human capacities in Azerbaijan to meet the reporting requirements of the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement by establishing a tracking system to support reliable domestic MRV arrangements



Development of a strategy and action plan for up scaling climate services and multi-hazard early warning in Azerbaijan


5. Azerbaijan has submitted to the Green Climate Fund the third readiness proposal in May 2019, “Development of a strategy and action plan for up scaling climate services and multi-hazard early warning in Azerbaijan” is under preparation, with UNEP as Delivery Partner. The third readiness proposal will assess climate services and multi-hazard early warning systems, the feasibility for up scaling them and the development of a strategy, action plan and financing strategy.





EU4Climate helps governments in the six EU Eastern Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) to take action against climate change and towards a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy. Funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UNDP, EU4Climate supports countries in implementing the Paris Agreement and improving climate policies and legislation with an ambition of limiting climate change impact on citizens’ lives and making them more resilient to it.





The overall objective is to help improve protection of the Black Sea environment, which will be pursued through further technical assistance focused on establishing modern systems and facilities for environmental monitoring (in Georgia and Ukraine), capacity building, assessment of environmental status in line with EU MSFD/WFD and public awareness raising on the Black Sea environmental issues. EU4EMBLAS builds on the results of previous phases of the project, which have tackled the deficiencies and limitations in marine data availability, supported development of the Black Sea Water Quality Databases, assessment and classification schemes, as well as addressed public involvement in marine litter reduction and environmental protection through local small-scale actions, campaigns and events.


European Union

EU4Environmrnt - Green Economy in EaP Countries


To help the six partner countries preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being, by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.


European Union

Support the Ministry of Environmentla Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) in the  implementtaion of the Upcoming  Water Resources Management Law


To assist MEPA in development of recommendations on secondary

legislation on a) establishing river basin councils, b) specifications for preparing river basin management

plans (RBMPs), and c) urban and industrial wastewater discharge into surface water



UNDP-GEF KURAII: Advancing the IWRM Across the Kura Basin


The Kura II Project was designed to address the priority needs in the ministerially endorsed Strategic Action Plan (SAP) through implementation of the SAP and national Integrated Water Resources Management Plans to strengthen and harmonize coordinated conjunctive transboundary ground and surface water management.



Reducing the Risk of Climate-Driven Disasters in Georgia


An umbrela initiative dedicated to reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters and establishing integrated climate risk management system in Georgia. The initiative aims to reduce exposure of Georgia’s communities, livelihoods, and infrastructure to climate-induced natural hazards through a well-functioning nationwide multi-hazard early warning system and risk-informed local action


GCF, SDC, Sida, Gov. of Georgia

Ecosystem-based adaptation, climate-resilience measures and institutional development in the Lower Dniester area


The project aims to continue developing the facilities and protected area management, inter alia, for climate adaptation in Lower Dniester Ramsar Site (LDRS).



Integrated water supply and sanitation in Moldovan villages (ApaSan+)


The rural population in Moldova (women and men, including vulnerable / disadvantaged groups) residing in the project’s target villages and beyond has sustainable access to safe drinking water and household sanitation


Skat Foundation

Moldova Water Security and Sanitation project


Project Development Objective is i) to increase access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services in selected rural areas and small towns, and to strengthen national and local institutional capacity for water supply and sanitation service delivery; and (ii) in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it.


World Bank

Preparation of the Concept Note for the project “Climate Change Adaptation Nature-Based solutions in semi-arid ecosystems to increase rural resilience in Moldova”


To support the Ministry of Environment of the RM in formultating a Concept Note for an Ecosystem-based Adaptation project in Moldova, to be submitted to the Green Climate Fund (GCF).



Integrated River Basin Management to mitigate the effects of climate-driven extreme events in the Republic of Moldova





Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River


Objective: to increase the capacity of the Moldovan Government to sustainable manage the Dniester River Basin at the national and transboundary levels


SIDA (Swedish AID)

Advancing Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning (phase 2)


To support the Government of Moldova in advancing the second cycle of its iterative national adaptation planning process. The project aims to address the barriers to prioritization of national investments in Climate Change Adaptation, and to increase the availability of human and financial capacity for the implementation of the priority actions identified during the NAP-1, and those that will emerge under this NAP-2 initiative.



Monitoring of wastewater for the presence of virus COVID 2019


Support of efforts at the central level, at the regional level and training-analytical component. At the regional level, it is planned to support regional coordinators for vaccination, vaccination campaign, as well as support the efforts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the field of response to COVID-19



Support Ukraine in the approximation of EU legislation in the field of environment (air quality, waste management) (APENA 2)


1. Further assist in the transposition and implementation ofAnnex XXX to the Chapter 6 (Air Quality, Waste management)

of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement; 2. Support to the concrete implementation of the National

Waste Management Strategy (incl. ad hoc support

requested by the Beneficiary and EUD); 3. Further raise the institutional capacity of authorities in charge(MPENR, MinRegion) and public awareness on environmentissues ("greener lifestyles")



Strengthening the capacity of regional and local authorities to implement and enforce EU legislation in the fields of environmental protection, combating climate change and developing infrastructure projects (Apena 3)


Component 1: Promoting the strengthening of administrative capacity to implement and enforce new legislation in line with EU EIA and SEA legislation at the oblast and local levels in Ukraine. Component 2: Supporting local civil society and business in raising awareness of compliance with EU harmonized legislation. Component 3: Development of pilot regional strategies for adaptation to climate change and plans for the implementation of strategies. Component 4: Development of oblast waste management plans in 3 pilot oblasts. Component 5: Development of priority investments in waste management, project preparation in 3 pilot oblasts Component 6: Development and implementation of stakeholder participation and communication information plan.



Copernicus assisted environmental monitoring across the Black Sea Basin


Copernicus assisted environmental monitoring across the Black Sea Basin



Low plasticity from source to sea: a comprehensive action plan to eliminate plastic pollution of the Tisza and Danube rivers


Reduce plastic pollution and improve water quality on the Tisza and Lower Danube rivers



Establishment of a transboundary water quality monitoring network in the Upper Tisza basin with further development and modernization of the joint Hungarian-Ukrainian hydrographic telemetry system (TiszaMonitorNet)


Promoting the protection of water quality on rivers in the Upper Tisza basin by creating an integrated network of transboundary water quality monitoring through further development of the existing joint Ukrainian-Hungarian hydrographic telemetry system



Solving the problem of floods and droughts, negative anthropogenic impact - water pollution by petroleum products


Solving the problem of floods and droughts, negative anthropogenic impact - water pollution by petroleum products



WWF - Ukraine, INSURE project aimed at integrating nature-oriented solutions into the Reform Agenda in Ukraine


WWF implements projects for conservation and  restoration of freshwater ecosystems that support the live of people and nature



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