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The Republic of Moldova has regional disparities in water availability, compounded by challenges in groundwater and surface water quality. Coupled with a dependence on inflow from transboundary rivers and the risk of water-related hazards such as floods, droughts and landslides, water governance in Moldova is a significant challenge.

Moldova has been strengthening its administrative capacity, its enforcement of legislation, and public participation and awareness of environmental and water-related challenges. Like other Eastern Partner Countries, Moldova needs to strengthen procedures for implementing commitments under multilateral environmental agreements and their capacity for implementing projects financed by international organisations and donors.  Moldova has assumed commitments to reform water policies as part of the Association Agreement signed with the European Union ( entered into force in July 2016). The EU candidate status granted to Moldova in June 2022 recognises significant progress but also stresses the need to facilitate policy reforms in accordance with EU norms and standards.



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