Improving our understanding of the state of the environment (water quantity and quality, air quality, land use, waste management) is fundamental for shifting towards a circular, greener economy. Collecting a broad range of different types of data and sharing them with other organisations can provide new insights, knowledge, and fields of application.
In Eastern partner countries, persistent monitoring capacity gaps prevent effective data collection. Challenges also remain in producing environmental indicators, including the UNECE environmental indicators and Sustainable Development Goals, and making the information available.
Component 2 of the EU4Environment – Water and Data programme aims to increase the availability of environmental data and information through public portals, in order to make policy-relevant data available to decision-makers and citizens in the Eastern Partner countries.
The programme considers data on water accounting, air quality and waste management, open data and international reporting, and sharing of data, in line with the principles of the Shared Environmental Information System, which is an essential requirement of the UNECE Aarhus Convention to which all countries of the region are Parties.
- ENI SEIS II EAST (2016-2020)
- UNECE environmental indicators and reporting
- State of environmental reports and indicators in EaP countries (ENI SEIS II East)
- Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP).
- Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making, and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention)
- Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (Protocol on PRTRs)