Capacity building
This Summer, EU4Environment - Water and Data organised a workshop on groundwater bodies delineation in Georgia and Moldova and monitoring surveys to reveal the health of Armenian rivers and groundwater of the Northern river basin District and coastal waters along the Georgian Black Sea coast.
Concerning air quality monitoring, Armenian and Austrian experts visited the air quality monitoring stations in Yerevan and the Central Laboratory of the Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Centre. Issues related to re-equipment of two air quality monitoring stations were discussed.
Institutional framework
On 29 June, the government of Moldova approved the Danube-Prut & Black Sea River Basin District Management Plan, cycle II developed with EU support.
Armenia adopted a package of amendments to its Water Code to take greater account of the natural water cycle, taking a step further with the harmonization of its fundamental legislative documents with the EU water acquis.
The government of Armenia adopted the package of revisions on the Law on Protection of Atmospheric Air, and now the package of proposed revisions of the Law will be sent to Parliament for adoption (expected in September 2022). This package of revision is a significant step towards getting closer to the Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.
International events
EU4Environment Water and Data programme's ambitions were presented during the OECD’s annual meeting of the GREEN Action Task Force: "Greening the Economy in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" and at the Lake Sevan International Conference in Yerevan.
Green Dates
Armenia celebrated Lake Sevan Day with the support of EU4Sevan project and Ukraine celebrated the Dnipro Day with a nice video: