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EU-supported Hackathon empowers Moldovan youth to innovate for sustainable water management

EU-supported Hackathon empowers Moldovan youth to innovate for sustainable water management

  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

On 4-5 December 2024, 38  young innovators, water experts, and tech enthusiasts gathered in Moldova for an inspiring two-day Water Data Hackathon, to develop digital solutions to address Moldova's pressing water challenges by promoting the use of open source data. 

Organised by the European Union’s EU4Environment Water Resources and Environmental Data programme in partnership with the NGO Renașterea Rurală and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova, the event brought together students of IT, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and water/environmental sciences to co-create tools for sustainable water management.

Why water data matters

Moldova’s water resources are under pressure from climate change, ageing infrastructure, pollution, and inefficient water use. With agriculture and industry relying heavily on rivers, lakes, and groundwater, the need to access reliable data to inform the public and the water managers is more important than ever. As the EU4Environment Water Resources and Environmental Data programme has developed actions to strengthen access to  environmental datasets produced by the Moldovan administration, the hackathon aimed to promote the use of existing open datasets by encouraging participants to develop new information products and services based on datasets made available by the Moldovan sdministration and at global level (including open satellite information).

The Hackathon: A hub of creativity and collaboration

Participants—Moldovan students and young professionals—worked in multidisciplinary teams combining expertise in IT, GIS, and environmental sciences. Together, they developed innovative solutions to streamline the collection, visualisation, and accessibility of water data for decision-makers and citizens.

Focusing primarily on surface water quality and flood-related data, participants explored practical applications to improve water management. While each team impressed with their creativity and determination, the winning solutions showed exceptional ingenuity. The three winning teams came up with innovative and impactful solutions.

Looking Ahead

The top three teams received funding to finalise their proposal when possible into fully functional digital solutions. Beyond the prizes, the Water Data Hackathon inspired young professionals to actively contribute to Moldova’s sustainable development goals. It promoted the efficient use of environnemental open datasets, underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and highlighted the transformative potential of digital innovation in tackling environmental challenges.

EU Support for Moldova’s Water Management: Protecting Resources, Supporting Communities

EU Support for Moldova’s Water Management: Protecting Resources, Supporting Communities

  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

The EU4Environment – Water Resources and Environmental Data programme has been instrumental in helping Moldova enhance its water resources management, align with EU and international standards and address key challenges related to water use in agriculture, water supply and sanitation, water monitoring, and transboundary cooperation for water protection. 

Improved River Basin Management 

Although not yet an EU country, Moldova is already implementing the second cycle of River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) for its two main river basin districts (RBD): the Danube-Prut and Black Sea and the Dniester RBD. These plans, developed with previous EU support, enable stakeholders to collectively plan key actions to prevent water pollution and overuse, and to achieve good overall water status. 

Under the EU4Environment - Water Resources and Environmental Data programme, Moldova has focused on instruments to support the implementation of measures to address two major water use challenges: agriculture and domestic use. 

Tackling nitrate pollution in agriculture 

In order to comply with the EU Nitrates Directive, the project supported Moldova in carrying out a study on the protection of waters from nitrate pollution from agriculture, which will serve as a basis for the development of a National Action Programme for the protection of waters from nitrate pollution in agriculture. This programme aims to become mandatory in nitrate-vulnerable zones, where stricter protection measures aim to be implemented.  

To complement these efforts, a Code of Good Agricultural Practice has already been developed earlier with EU support to guide farmers in sustainable practices. Nitrates are naturally occurring chemicals found in soil, air and water. However, they are also introduced in large quantities through fertilisers, animal waste, and wastewater, potentially harming rivers, groundwater, and public health. As a mitigation measure, riparian protection strips have been arranged along impacted rivers (see photo on top).

Improving access to water supply and sanitation for rural communities 

In the Nirnova sub-basin, a pioneering Intercommunal Development Association (ADI) brought together 18 municipalities in a new form of governance to address rural water challenges in a more professional way.  

This collaboration has resulted in a comprehensive master plan to improve water supply and sanitation for 30 villages in the districts of Hincesti and Nisporeni, benefiting 45,000 people. This new organisation has driven important developments in infrastructure development, particularly in the southern cluster. During this phase of the project, support was provided to prepare for the early selection of a future joint water and sanitation operator to ensure a smooth transition to more professional water works management and water billing. 

Strengthening water monitoring for ecosystems and public health 

The EU4Environment programme has carried out detailed surveys of Moldova’s rivers and groundwater, including the first joint surface water and groundwater survey in the Prut River Basin. These assessments go beyond physico-chemical parameters to include hydromorphology (river shape) and biological indicators (plants and animals), providing a holistic view of river health as required by the EU Water Framework Directive. 

Moldova has also improved its laboratory capacity, receiving international accreditation in 2018 and 2021 for analyzing priority substances such as heavy metals, nutrients, pesticides, and pollutants. This ensures reliable data for policymakers and citizens. 

The programme also introduced epidemiological wastewater monitoring, using wastewater to detect public health trends (e.g., SARS-CoV-2). This cost-effective method provides early and representative health data. Cooperation between Moldova’s water and health sectors has successfully established a routine monitoring system at the Chisinau wastewater treatment plant, benefitting public health decision-making. 

Promoting Transboundary Cooperation 

On 20 October 2023 in Kyiv, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania signed the Trilateral Declaration on Cooperation for the Prut River Basin, supported by the EU4Environment Water and Data programme. 

The Prut river, a major tributary of the Danube, stretches for 953 km and forms a large part of the border between Moldova and Romania. The agreement strengthens joint efforts in water monitoring, flood and drought management, biodiversity conservation, and public participation.  An official trilateral working group has been established and is now working under the umbrella of the ICPDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River) to address key international issues on a basin-wide basis, based on this new agreement. 

EU supports additional monitoring surveys for surface and groundwater in Moldova

  • Date: 08 July 2024
  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

On 1-5 July, the EU4Environment Water and Data Programme carried out a groundwater and surface water monitoring field survey in the Republic of Moldova. 

The survey aimed to assess the impact of human pressures on rivers and groundwater in Moldova.

The sampled sites had not been monitored by the EU4Environment Water and Data programme during the previous surveys in 2022 and 2023. 

This time, groundwater and surface water monitoring sites were selected to be close to each other.  The aim of this survey was to identify possible connections between surface water and groundwater.

Workshop in Moldova discusses EU directive on protecting water from nitrate pollution from agriculture

  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

Moldova's progress in the implementation of European Union directive on protection of waters against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources was discussed on 2 July at a workshop (EU Directive 91/676/EEC). The event brought together representatives from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, as well as national and international experts.

Irina Punga, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova, presented the significant developments and the country's firm commitment to adopting sustainable agricultural practices to protect water resources.

The importance of the Action Programme for the Protection of Waters against Nitrate Pollution from Agriculture, which is essential for accession to the European Union and for environmental protection, was emphasised. The workshop was organised with the support of the EU4Environment - Water Resources and Environmental Data project.

Read the article (in Romanian) on the Ministry's website:

The Nirnova Basin Intercommunal Development Association (ADI) in Moldova meets for the first time to advance on water supply and sanitation

  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

The first meeting of the recently established Nirnova Basin Intercommunal Development Association (ADI) was held on 16 January 2024. The group of municipalities was established in accordance with the Law No. 17 of 02.02.2023 on Intercommunal Development Associations of the Republic of Moldova (read more).

The meeting was attended by the Ministries of Environment, of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova, by Water Solidarity Europe and International Secretariat for Water (SIE-SEE), representative of the Moldovan Parliament, French Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, Apele Moldovei Water Agency, Artois Picardie Water Agency from France, Presidents of Hincesti and Nisporeni Raions and Mayors from Nisporeni and Hincesti Raions.

The meeting focused on the future procedural work of the ADI: election of the ADI President, creation of thematic working groups. In the afternoon, participants discussed the action plan for water and sanitation.

Following the Water and Sanitation Master Plan developed with EU support, the EU4Environment - Water and Data programme is supporting the ADI in the selection of an operator to provide water and sanitation services to the population.

The EU4Environment Water and Data Programme also supports the technical clarifications necessary for the implementation of three main actions of the Water and Sanitation Master Plan:

  • Southern area: completion of the main water supply (bringing water to the main water tower)
  • Northern area: Water supply comes from Iași in Romania, the aim is to complete the main drinking water supply (bringing water to the main water tower) and to develop the internal distribution network (water supply to the houses).
  • Calculation of the costs of completing the internal distribution networks

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