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Events Calendar

MD: National workshop uon clean air action in Moldova (follow-up from Clean Air Day webinar)
Thursday 28 September 2023

The national workshops build on the regional webinar held on 7 September, which gave the introduction to air quality problems in the countries, possible solutions and ways to communicate air quality issues.

Meeting objectives, expected outputs and outcomes

    Discussion of air quality problems in each EaP country
    Showcasing of good practice examples in the country and the region
    Discussion of good practice examples that could be taken forward by municipalities
    Discussion of how to communicate air quality problems and possible solution at municipal level Participants

The workshop will gather participants from Covenant of Mayors East municipalities in individual EU Eastern Partner Countries.

Registration link:

The EU-funded “EU4Environment – Water Resources and Environmental Data” Programme, launched in 2021, aims at supporting a more sustainable use of water resources and improving the use of sound environmental data ... Read more




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