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Development of an online application including forms, production of indicators, reports and visualisation of water use data (GEORGIA)

  • Country: Georgia
  • Component: Environmental Data

Deadline: 14 October 2024

Main objectives of this assignment:development of Accounting Form on Water Use following the needs of the beneficiary and production of indicators and reports expected by the beneficiaries.

Read more (Terms of references)

For any questions, please contact: p.haener"@"

Hydromorphological monitoring of coastal and transitional water in the Poti pilot area (GEORGIA)

  • Country: Georgia
  • Component: Water resources, Environmental Data

Deadline: 31 May 2023 / 12:00 CET

Ecological monitoring of coastal and transitional waters (CTW) in Georgia, initiated under the previous EUWI+ project in the coastal zone from Sarpi to Kobuleti, remains an important action under the EU4Environment Water and Data programme, Output 1.4. Therefore the ecological monitoring of coastal and transitional waters was continued in 2022 and 2023 encompassing the coastal zone from Kobuleti to Anaklia. All identified coastal and transitional water bodies are currently undergoing a verification process based on recently obtained monitoring data, substrate composition, and surface salinity distribution in specific water bodies.

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Interested parties (individual and legal persons) are invited to send their technical offer, including CVs of key staff, references, methodology and list of projects implemented, as well as their financial offer by email to the following address:

  • daniela.carretta"@"
  • gabriele.vincze"@"

Support to contracting authorities for organising the development and operation of future water supply and sanitation services in Nirnova sub-basin (REP. OF MOLDOVA)

  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Component: Water resources

Deadline:  6 January 2023

The main objective of this assignment consists in facilitating the Water Supply and Sanitation master plan implementation by supporting local authorities of the Nirnova River basin.

Read more (Terms of references)

Read more (Contract model)

For any questions, please contact: Andrei.Ursache"@"

Development of river basin management plans for Enguri and Rioni basins (GEORGIA)

  • Country: Georgia
  • Component: Water resources

Deadline:  21 November 2022 / 18:00 CET

The main objective of this assignment is to produce the elements and prepare draft of the RBMPs and implementation dashboards for the Enguri and Rioni river basins in Georgia (covering respectively 6,610 km² and 15,820 km²; see map in annex 1), in line with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) principles.

Read more (Terms of references)

Contact to request the full tender dossier: i.cicekoglu"@"

The EU-funded “EU4Environment – Water Resources and Environmental Data” Programme, launched in 2021, aims at supporting a more sustainable use of water resources and improving the use of sound environmental data ... Read more




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